6 Monsoon Skin Care Tips

Swapnil Ramesh Jukunte
3 min readJun 30, 2022

During monsoon, the humidity level in the environment increases a lot which is the cause of various skin issues. It brings various skin care trouble more than any other season and those who care about their looks and beauty must take good care of their skin in this weather. Although got relief from hot summers, the humidity invited by the rainy season can cause fungal infections, allergies, acne, rashes, and several other issues.

So, you need to understand your skincare routine by following the below-given skin care tips:

Apply Sunscreen: As you feel that it is cloudy outside so no need to apply sunscreen is the biggest misconception in the rainy season. Sunscreen act as a shield against harmful UV rays and should not be avoided in any season. Cloudy doesn’t mean the sun did not rise today. The UV rays are so effective that they can travel across the clouds and affect the skin. So, to protect your skin, always apply a gel-based water-resistant sunscreen 20 minutes before you step out of your house.

Keep Your Face Clean: Cleaning your face thrice a day is important in the rainy season to avoid excessive dust and oil build-up over it. Cleaning the face regularly opens the pores, lets the skin breathe, and helps in avoiding fungal infections.

Exfoliate Your Skin: You can exfoliate by applying a scrub that helps in removing dead skin but you can’t be scrubbing your face more than once a day. So, the best way is to apply vitamin c serum to the skin to make it look healthy and glowing. Vitamin c serum gives an instant glow to the skin and can be added to your day and night skincare routine.

Stay Hydrated for a Healthy Skin: During monsoon, we sweat a lot, and the body needs to be properly hydrated to avoid pale and dull skin. For glowing skin, it is important to drink enough water regularly. In the hydrated body, toxic substances are automatically removed from the body, and hence, you can have a healthy, glowing, free from acne and pimples skin.

Take Care of Your Lips: The humidity level in the environment not only affects the skin but also makes the lips get dry and look dull. Keep moisturizing your lips using natural lip balms like ghee, malai, etc. which are very helpful in keeping them smooth and healthy.

Apply Mud Face Packs: For getting glowing skin, mud face packs like Multani mitti are the best to apply. It absorbs all the extra oily content on the face and helps in keeping it fresh and glowing.

A healthy skin care routine is very important for every age group. You feel fresh and confident when you have healthy and glowing skin. Above are some very important points to be considered while making your daily skincare routine. These are some very basic things that are mostly avoided by people because of less knowledge.

